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Dark Frontiers Discord AMA Recap

Stepping back into the virtual realm of Dark Frontiers, the community gathered once again for an insightful AMA session. After a dedicated AMA for NFT holders, this broader session aimed to update the entire Dark Frontiers community on recent developments, address questions, and provide a platform for the exchange of ideas.

What Have We Been Cooking?

We delved into the team's recent endeavors, emphasizing a laser focus on finalizing the Siege Mode PVP, fine-tuning details, squashing bugs, and adding that extra layer of polish. A potential open-world playtest looms on the horizon, offering the community another sneak peek before the official game launch.

The Siege Mode, a massive PVP experience, took center stage in the updates. Described as a guild war of epic proportions, two powerful player organizations clash to claim dominance over strategically placed Outposts on the expansive map. The victorious guild not only gains control but also reaps the benefits of utilizing it as their base. A unique mechanic unfolds with a weekly cycle, where the outpost becomes the focal point for battles. A victorious attacking guild usurps control, while the defending guild endeavors to maintain its stronghold.

The weaponry arsenal is also expanding, with tantalizing teases of new additions on social media platforms. The S06 Bulwark Pistol, a heavyweight sword, and a shotgun were spotlighted, leaving the community eager to discover the unrevealed rifle. Beyond in-game developments, the team has been laboring on a captivating CGI trailer, planning PVP tournaments with guest communities, fostering significant partnerships, executing marketing campaigns, and orchestrating airdrop events to reward loyal supporters.

AMA Highlights

The event then took to an open-form discussion between the team and the community. Here are some highlights from the questions, but if you wish to hear the whole AMA, you can do so by listening to the recording here.

Q1: Will the Siege event have prizes and rewards?
A1: The reward for winning the Siege event is owning the outpost, which results in collective benefits for the guild, including taxing surrounding stores in the area. There may also be regular tournaments with more unique rewards.

Q2: What will be the utility of lands in the game?
A2: One of the major ones that Lands provides is allowing players to build structures that aid in progressing through the game. These structures can automate resource gathering or provide other in-game benefits, which in turn can be either used by the owner or traded to players or NPCs.

Q3: How does the bounty system work in preventing multiple accounts from exploiting the game?
A3: The bounty system collects rewards from criminals, and bounty hunters earn their rewards directly from the criminal. There is no exploit, as rewards are not generated out of thin air.

Q4: Can players create their own guilds, and can lands be rented to other players for building?
A4: Players can create their own guilds or join existing ones. Renting land to other players for building may be implemented post-launch.

Q5: Will there be events for PvE, and can we expect tournaments for PvE?
A5: Events focused on PvE and tournaments for PvE would happen in the form of limited-time events once the game is live.

As the AMA session concluded, we expressed our gratitude for the active community engagement, encouraging ongoing conversations on Discord and Telegram. The recorded session is available for those who missed it here!

And don’t forget, the PVP mode for Dark Frontiers is already live and available for play, and you can sign up here!

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